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Source: TMD Friction post
LEVERKUSEN, Germany — With the new Euro 7 standard, non-exhaust particulate emissions come into focus for the first time. Accordingly, from January 2025 at the earliest, strict requirements will also apply for brake and tire abrasion on all newly registered passenger cars. As a specialist in brake lining technology, TMD Friction is assisting with the preparation of the Euro 7 in the area of brake emissions and is working closely with vehicle manufacturers and other suppliers.
An innovative formula for brake pads and linings that produce low particulate levels is also in development, with the aim of helping vehicle manufacturers around the world to move towards pollutant-free, emission-free mobility.
For many years the emissions produced by combustion engines have been a pressing issue in the public eye and one for which strict guidelines apply throughout the EU. Since 1992, legally specified limiting values have existed across Europe for pollutant emissions from new vehicles, with the aim of protecting people and the environment.
The first standardized exhaust regulations for passenger cars in the European Union came into effect in 1970. Today’s common term ‘Euro standard’ was introduced in 1992 with the Euro 1 exhaust emissions standard; Euro 6 now applies.
As a result of ever stricter limit values and increasingly sophisticated technology, the drive trains of modern vehicles have become cleaner and the pollution from fine particulates caused by combustion has fallen.
Nevertheless, despite this success on the part of the automobile industry and the increasing number of electric vehicles, fine particulate pollution – particularly in cities – remains high. As a consequence, non-exhaust particulate emissions are now the focus of attention.
This is because most of the fine particulates in road traffic are no longer caused by exhausts, but – regardless of the drive technology – by abrasion in brakes and tires. With the Euro 7 standard, the battle against particulates has been extended to these particulate emissions, known to be harmful to health and the environment, in order to come closer to the EU objectives of pollutant-free and emission-free mobility.
Measuring brake dust – but how?
The key to the new Euro 7 standard is to find a method that is, on the one hand, standardized and reproducible and that, on the other hand, reflects reality as closely as possible.
To develop a suitable approach as the basis for Euro 7 in the area of brake emissions, experts from the automotive and supplier industries have been selected to form the Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) working group for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
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