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Source: AFT s.p.a. / COMEC release
PIACENZA, Italy – COMEC has developed a new design approach for the curing process of brake pads produced with hot cycle.
The available hot-pressing machinery on the market is very rigid when coming to the production of several different disc brake pads part numbers in small and medium-size batches, require very long manufacturing times and a long, expensive installation phase.
The COMEC linear press model P-FLEX H allows the highest level of flexibility currently available on the market.
The pressing units of the machine are available with pressure force up to 270 tons. Each pressing unit is completely independent, and, at any time, the customer can decide which ones of the station will be running to produce each different part number with each different mix.
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Each pressing unit of the line can be used in auto-mode, running all the operation of the production cycle by itself in automatic, or in semi-auto mode, allowing the customer to use the unit manually for laboratory or production pilot tests, while all the other stations are running the standard production cycle. This is a great advantage in order to conduct pressing test directly on the press production machine.
This flexible pressing system is fully configurable in order to meet all the customer requirements. The configuration can include up to six dosing machines, while automatic cleaning system and density compensators for multi-cavity molds are a standard feature. Furthermore, the system allows to install existing tooling of the customer, ensuring to the customer a great cost saving.
Configurable pressing cycle, high accuracy dosing control (±1 percent), high accuracy force control (±50 kg) and high accuracy temperature control (±3°C) ensure the best quality of production. Thanks to its innovative hydraulics and temperature control systems, the machine allows energy savings of up to 30 percent compared to traditional systems.
Due to its modularity concept, the COMEC linear press model P-FLEX H can be customized, according to specific requirements, it also has the big advantages of quick manufacturing time, short installation and commissioning time and easy and cost-effective transport solutions.