ZF Presseinformation
Source: This is an excerpt of a ZF announcement (which can be read in its entirety by clicking on this phrase) at this week’s Consumer Electronics Show on the company’s overall progress in helping the automotive industry achieve true autonomous driving (AD). Tomorrow The BRAKE Report will cover ZF’s specific news on its AD Level 2+ products.
FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany/Las Vegas – Automated and autonomous driving are important technologies in helping make the traffic of the future safer, more efficient and more comfortable. Depending on the application, the market demands different solutions: For the time being, intelligent assistance functions, so-called Level 2+ systems, have the greatest potential for passenger cars. In contrast, fully automated systems of level 4 and higher will likely become established in commercial vehicles and urban passenger transport. This is proven by new orders which ZF has received from car and commercial vehicle manufacturers.
ZF is an attractive partner when it comes to the realization of automated and autonomous driving in a wide range of applications. ZF CEO Wolf-Henning Scheider explained why at the the 2020 CES: “ZF already offers complete systems at different price and performance levels and is active in all relevant fields of application with passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and industrial technology.”
The company has scaled its broad technology offering to meet virtually any requirement. “With ZF coASSIST, we are making a Level 2+ system for the first time, with safety and comfort functions familiar from the luxury class that can be achieved for inexpensive vehicle segments,” said Scheider.
Fully automated transport vehicles
“In the case of commercial vehicles, we are already seeing strong demand for systems that make fully automated driving to Level 4 and higher possible,” says Scheider. While the use of fully automated passenger cars in public transport still depends on regulations, commercial vehicles can already operate in highly automated modes within closed areas or defined lanes. In addition, driverless transport at depots or in urban passenger transport offers savings potential that leads to a rapid amortization of system costs.
Based on the ZF ProAI supercomputer, ZF is currently developing the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) for a Level 4 system for an international commercial vehicle manufacturer. The market launch is scheduled for 2024/25.