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Source: Knorr-Bremse announcement
MUNICH — The ongoing transition to sustainable mobility and the associated modal shift to rail represents a major opportunity to turn rail travel into the primary transportation mode of the future. To make this possible, however, rail transportation must become even faster, more flexible, and more integrated. As a partner to train manufacturers and rail operators around the world Knorr-Bremse is investing in new digital solutions for connected, safe, efficient rail travel.
“Like all industries, the transportation sector must play its part in significantly reducing carbon emissions. This transformative pressure is repositioning the rail industry at the heart of the mobility revolution as a mode of transportation that is inherently sustainable,” explained Dr. Jürgen Wilder, member of the Executive Board of Knorr-Bremse AG and responsible for the Rail Vehicle Systems division. “But for rail to fulfill its role as a future mobility backbone, it must become even more efficient, available, connected and flexible. Digital technologies are a key factor in accomplishing this mission.”
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As a systems supplier to the rail market with a tradition stretching back more than 115 years, Knorr-Bremse is now the major driving force behind the development of a whole new generation of digital services in many different areas of passenger and freight transportation:
Condition-based maintenance (CBM): With this new solution from Knorr-Bremse, data can be generated for braking systems, entrance systems, HVAC systems and other subsystems, and immediately subjected to smart, algorithmic analysis. In turn, this enables high-precision monitoring of the condition of safety- and function-critical subsystems, with the aim of making train maintenance more flexible, proactive, and cost-efficient.
For example, the CBM early-warning system is capable of informing operators that a door still has a guaranteed number of opening and closing cycles left before potential failure so they can schedule component replacement in advance. In short, the technology helps train manufacturers and operators to optimize fleet life-cycle costs while ensuring that more vehicles are available for passenger and freight transportation more of the time.
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Digital freight train: Digital freight trains are regarded as enablers, increasing the transport capacity, process efficiency and availability of freight transportation services. Europe’s stated target of increasing the share of rail freight traffic from its current level of 18 percent to more than 30 percent of total freight traffic by 2030 can only be achieved by providing attractive rail freight services. Knorr-Bremse is developing digital solutions for smart, automation-enabled freight trains at multiple levels: railcar, train, and fleet.
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