Source: Friction Materials Standards Institute
AUBURN HILLS, Mich. – The Friction Materials Standards Institute (FMSI) for the first and only time is offering advertisement opportunities for the well anticipated Gold Edition 2020 book.
“The FMSI Gold Edition book is released every five years and the 2020 book is already in demand as we are expediting record distribution,” said Frank Oliveto President of the institute.
For this special 2020 Gold Edition FMSI is offering inside cover and full-page ads for a very reasonable advertiser fee.
The book distribution can be as high as 10,000 books and is distributed to key members of the brake industry. The organization’s 2020 Gold Edition book has limited space and is limiting advertisers to supply partner and non-friction related members.
Contact the institute’s office at [email protected] and [email protected] for more information as sponsor opportunities are a first come first serve. Contact the institute for advance ordering of the 2020 Gold Edition book. The target date to order to 2020 Gold Edition book from the organization is February 3rd.
About FMSI
Founded in 1948 as a trade organization, FMSI and FMS are registered trademarks of Friction Materials Standards Institute. The organization created the standard part numbering system for Brake and Clutch facings. For more information visit