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Source: AFT spa announcement
REINBEK-HAMBURG, Germany — AFT spa, a Lambda Investments AG company -Swiss privately owned operational holding — via its fully controlled German subsidiary AFT Robotics Engineering (DE) GmbH — has reached an agreement to acquire Aut-Fit GmbH, a company which specializes in designing and manufacturing “mission -critical” machines. It is also a leader in robotized engineering solutions for a variety of assembly applications including automotive brake pads.
“Today starts a new journey for AFT and Aut-Fit,” said Salvatore Torrisi AFT executive chairman and Lambda majority shareholder. “It will drive and empower AFT Group in a leadership position in Italy and Europe for industrial-automation business.
“With this new acquisition we trust on our capability to lead to new challenges, initially in German market penetration in conjunction with our existing subsidiary AFT Robotics Engineering (DE) GmbH.”
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Andreas Meyer, Aut-Fit managing director, said, “how exciting is the wonderful fit between the two companies and large synergies to leverage on”.
The acquisition of AUT-FIT, which is based in the Reinbek- Hamburg area of Germany, will be completed within a few weeks and it is immediately operational.
About AFT spa
The company is leading precision-machines manufacturer focused on mission-critical applications. Large corporation active on automotive brake pads (friction materials) as well as companies for specialized industries, through its three active brands: COMEC (automotive friction materials) ARGA and FABES (industrial sectors).
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The company today is a unique supplier able to provide, if not entirely, the vast majority of machines able to support customer’s advanced manufacturing processes in all active sectors. The company’s international vocation is proven by its current customers portfolio and revenues breakdown.