Search Results for bendix spicer

Bendix Focuses on Tech For Operation Safe Driver

ELYRIA, Ohio – In the United States, roads never rest. More vehicles are traveling more miles than ever before, making safe driving campaigns – such as the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) Operation Safe Driver Program – especially important. CVSA’s initiative,…

Bendix Workforce Comes Out For Sustainability

ELYRIA, Ohio – From eliminating single-use plastic to planting a community garden and attending workshops on reducing waste, Bendix employees are learning how to live and work more sustainability. Across North America this month, more than 2,500 Bendix men and women…


Three Million Bendix Air Disc Brakes–And Counting

ELYRIA, Ohio – Rapid, widespread adoption rates, plus increased realization of performance, uptime, and return-on-investment (ROI) advantages, have helped to propel production of the Bendix® ADB22X™air disc brake past the 3-million-unit mark in North America. “Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems and Dana…

Bendix offers tips and insights into safety systems to avoid issues identified on NTSB's "Most Wanted List"

Bendix To Leave Elyria for Avon Ohio

ELYRIA, Ohio — Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems and Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake, Elyria’s second-largest employer, informed city officials Tuesday that the company plans to move its headquarters and hundreds of jobs to Avon by the end of 2021. The move,…

Bendix Breaks Internal Record For Patents

DETROIT, Mich.–In 2018, inventors from across Bendix (Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC and Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake LLC) made their own lasting impact by earning 52 U.S. patents, the most ever for the company in one year. Spurred by their…

Bendix sustainability

Bendix Drives 96 Percent Waste Diversion in 2018

Through Sustainability Initiatives, Company Is Directly Impacting Two United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ELYRIA, Ohio – Feb. 14, 2019 – Thanks to an effective combination of employee engagement and company-led sustainability initiatives, Bendix (Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC and Bendix…

Bendix is promoting the 2021 National School Bus Safety Week Oct.18-22

Bendix Celebrates School Bus Safety Week

Working Together, Bendix and North America’s School Bus Manufacturers Enhance Student Transportation Safety National School Bus Safety Week Emphasizes Awareness of Safer Bus Travel ELYRIA, Ohio – Oct. 16, 2018 – The good news is that over the last four…

Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake recently broke ground on a 130,000-square-foot expansion of its wheel-end manufacturing facility in Bowling Green, Kent.

BSFB Honored for Facility Expansion

Source: Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake ELYRIA, Ohio – Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake LLC (BSFB) earned a 2019 Business Expansion Award from the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce for expansion of operations at its wheel-end manufacturing facility in Bowling Green,…