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Source: FMSI announcement
AUBURN HILLS, Mich. – FMSI has again recognized Jesus Villalobos of Dynamic Friction as the top contributing member to the organization.
Contributing members such as Dynamic Friction collaborate with FMSI to collect, characterize, and communicate to organization members vehicle manufacture’s original equipment service product so that the organization can bring the standardized part numbering system to its members.
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Jesus Villalobos and Dynamic Friction have been the recipient of this award four consecutive years.
Frank Oliveto President of the organization awarded Jesus a plaque of appreciation by virtual meeting.
BPI — Brake Parts Inc.– is also recognized by the organization as the runner up for the top contributing member.
Founded in 1948 as a trade organization, FMSI and FMS are registered trademarks of Friction Standards Institute.
The organization created the standard part numbering system for brake and clutch facings.